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기상청 제공


Quintiles Launches Suite of Services to Integrate Asset Development Planning

  • 작성자 : 관리자
  • 작성일 : 2015-12-11 14:27:01
  • 조회수 : 3938
  • 추천수 : 0

New offering incorporates clinical, commercial and regulatory insight to improve the probability of an asset’s commercial success

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C.--(Business Wire/Korea Newswire) December 11, 2015 -- Quintiles, the world’s largest provider of biopharmaceutical services, today announced the launch of its Integrated Asset Development Plan (IADP) offering. This new suite of services combines development strategy, regulatory strategy, market and patient access and commercial expertise, with in-depth therapeutic knowledge, a facilitated strategic-planning process, data analytics and modeling to deliver an integrated asset-development plan. 

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20151210005112/en/ 

IADP brings together cross-functional strategies and operational delivery to enable more informed decisions that speed market access, fulfill regulatory requirements and help optimize commercial potential. Potential assets that could benefit from this new offering include small molecule drugs, biologics, medical devices, combination therapies and novel technologies. 

“In today’s increasingly complex healthcare market, a successful asset must meet key value objectives and evidence needs for a variety of stakeholders, including patients, providers, regulators and payers,” said Rick Sax, M.D. (http://goo.gl/rZ4KnU), senior vice president, Quintiles Advisory Services. “A successful asset development plan considers the dynamic requirements of stakeholders to enable better decisions during development. With IADP, we bring an objective view of commercial viability, a structured design process and robust technology to create an approach that helps our customers improve their probability of success.” 

As part of the IADP offering, Quintiles advises biopharmaceutical companies on considerations for an asset’s value proposition, Target Product Profile (TPP), regulatory plan, and a Clinical Development Plan (CDP) (http://goo.gl/hBrfV1) which optimizes trial design and protocol development. The IADP also includes market access planning, evidence generation plan, commercial launch plan, lifecycle management and real-world evidence risk management plans, in keeping with the stage of development for the asset. 

“Based on our experience, having a viable, integrated plan for asset development increases the likelihood of success,” said Sax. “When combined with an in-depth understanding of the cross-functional dependencies and operational requirements, it’s a very powerful approach.”

To learn more about Integrated Asset Development Plan, visit quintiles.com/advisoryservices (http://goo.gl/JkusDY) and read our white paper, Integrated Asset Development for Optimizing Value and Outcomes (http://goo.gl/S6CAv8). 

About Quintiles 

Quintiles (NYSE: Q) helps biopharma and other healthcare companies improve their probability of success by connecting insights from our deep scientific, therapeutic and analytics expertise with superior delivery for better outcomes. From advisory through operations, Quintiles is the world’s largest provider of product development and integrated healthcare services, including commercial and observational solutions. Conducting operations in approximately 100 countries, Quintiles is a member of the FORTUNE 500 and has been named to FORTUNE’s list of the “World’s Most Admired Companies.” To learn more, visit http://www.quintiles.com. 

Click here to subscribe to Mobile Alerts for Quintiles. 

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20151210005112/en/


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벨벳이 지난 7일 서울대학교 동물병원에서 반려동물전용 전문투약보조제 웰케어에 대한 제품세미나를 진행했다고 밝혔다. 이번 세미나는 웰케어의 투약보조제로서의 기능과 생유산균 효소제로서의 기능을 중점으로 진행됐으며 서울대학교 수의과대학 스코필드홀에서 약 40여명의 서울대학교 동물병원 소속 수의사와 관계자가 참석했다. 웰케어는 반려동물전용 전문투약보조제로 기존의 반려동물 투약방법의 문제점에 착안해 벨벳이 개발한 제품이다. 기존에는 반려동물에 약을 먹이기에 급급해 간식이나 꿀, 잼, 고구마 등에 약을 비비거나 숨겨서 반려동물에 투약했지만 간식, 꿀, 잼, 고구마 등은 수용성 물질이기 때문에 위산으로부터 약물을 보호하는 능력이 없어, 약물이 위에 체류하는 동안 위산에 노출돼 파괴될 가능성이 높다. 웰케어는 오일성분을 주성분으로 한 겔타입 제형으로, 오일성분이 약물을 보호하듯 감싸 위산으로부터 약물이 파괴되는 것을 방지한다. 또한 웰케어에 함유된 효소가 약물의 체내흡수를 도와 약효를 높여준다. 웰케어의 약물보호효과는 경북대학교 수의과대학에서 진행한 임상실험을 통해 검증됐다. 신체검사에서 임상적으로 건강한 수컷 비글견 6두를 대상으로 진행했고 3두는 En
